Friday, May 14, 2010

Total Thoughts (May 3, 2010) - (Tattva Bodha) The Six-Fold Wealth (Faith and Focus)

Total Thoughts:

Total Thoughts, Faith and Focus (pages 27-30): 
  • Find the ability to prolong your happiness - If we are able to be happy for an hour at a time, why can't we become aware of this state and extend it for two, three hours or more?
  • Enjoy each moment and have single-pointed focus - it is not the destination but the journey that matters and maintaining single-pointed focus will guide us towards our goals
  • Distinguishing between faith and belief is relevant - faith requires enquiry and knowledge, but belief is just belief and can change. Faith is a higher order and should be considered as such in order to apply it correctly to our lives
  • Be flexible in your goal - if we are able to surrender to faith, we can still have a goal but will be at peace understanding that change is inevitable and our goals should be flexible
  • Reflect upon the scriptures and what the Guru says - having faith will allow us to be open to receiving the knowledge and diligence will help us absorb and understand it

"Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting" - Edmund Burke


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