Friday, May 14, 2010

Total Thoughts (May 9, 2010) - (Tattva Bodha) The Six-Fold Wealth (Liberation)

Total Thoughts:

Total Thoughts, Liberation (pages 30-33): 
  • Achieving a peaceful state is key - once you a in a peaceful state, you won't be affected by the inevitable change that comes in the form of situations, things and people
  • We can cultivate the desire for peace - this is obtained through intelligent living which means that we should always be aware and continue to build our knowledge
  • We are 'clinically depressed' based on our potential - this notion of being 'clinically depressed' should help us see that we can always push ourselves further along the spiritual journey towards enlightenment and give us perspective so that we remember to avoid becoming complacent, even if we feel comfortable in our situations
  • Awareness can aid in avoiding complacency - if we continue to pay attention to our lives, experiment and engage, this will help us avoid falling into a state of complacency
  • Faith can be shaken and strengthened - faith is shaken when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations, in some cases because we have no knowledge of self. However through studying the scriptures, gaining knowledge and experience, faith can be strengthened
  • Introspection is a powerful tool - it helps us absorb all the knowledge we gain from experience and the discussions and helps make the learning more potent

"You must be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi


Total Thoughts (May 3, 2010) - (Tattva Bodha) The Six-Fold Wealth (Faith and Focus)

Total Thoughts:

Total Thoughts, Faith and Focus (pages 27-30): 
  • Find the ability to prolong your happiness - If we are able to be happy for an hour at a time, why can't we become aware of this state and extend it for two, three hours or more?
  • Enjoy each moment and have single-pointed focus - it is not the destination but the journey that matters and maintaining single-pointed focus will guide us towards our goals
  • Distinguishing between faith and belief is relevant - faith requires enquiry and knowledge, but belief is just belief and can change. Faith is a higher order and should be considered as such in order to apply it correctly to our lives
  • Be flexible in your goal - if we are able to surrender to faith, we can still have a goal but will be at peace understanding that change is inevitable and our goals should be flexible
  • Reflect upon the scriptures and what the Guru says - having faith will allow us to be open to receiving the knowledge and diligence will help us absorb and understand it

"Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting" - Edmund Burke


Total Thoughts (April 18, 2010) - The Six-Fold Wealth

Total Thoughts:
  • If I am, then I can think - if we have existence, then we have awareness. Most of our perceptions are incorrect but we believe them to be true because most things are subjective and relative. Therefore, we should spend more time reflecting and being aware so we can be better judges of our own perceptions
  • So much is unknown - we should question why we are sometimes so attached to outcomes and focus on what we do know and practice titiksha when we face inevitable change
  • Existence/awareness/infinity is a subjective science - all we can do is to "be it"
  • Question the scientist and question yourself - we are accustomed to questioning one or the other, but if we are perceptive to the oneness then we can be begin to understand that everything is connected, therefore we should either question both or don't question either
  • We should experiment with life - we should practice stepping outside of our comfort zone. This can benefit us by helping us avoid complacency and continue to expose ourselves to the changing universe. Therefore, finding experiences that help us grow

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self" -Aldous Huxley
